There’s pretty much 2 pathways for Wnt signaling: canonical(beta catenin dependent) and non-canonical(beta catenin independent). Since you already have a co-reation between your two Wnt’s you could possibly find what sort of pathway they’re involved in just by finding their co-expression with beta catenin, because if there is high co-expression between beta catenin between the 2 Wnt’s and beta catenin, that might suggest dependency.
Here’s code you could use to see if there is co-relation between Wnt and one of beta-catenin’s:
wnt7b and ctnnb1 co-relation:
wnt7b and ctnnb1 co-relation score
# Create a variable with your favorite gene
my_favorite_gene <- c("ENSMUSG00000022382","ENSMUSG00000006932")
# Create a variable with you
of.interest <- c(top.hvgs[1:200], my_favorite_gene)
# Subset dataset to just the celltypes you are interested in
sce_subset <- sce[,sce$celltype %in% c("ExE ectoderm")]
cor.pairs <- correlatePairs(x = sce_subset, subset.row = of.interest)
cor.pairs %>% as_tibble() %>% filter(gene1 %in% my_favorite_gene, gene2 %in% my_favorite_gene)
# A tibble: 1 × 5