6 Immune Pathways Exhibit Similar Patterns of Gene Expressions in Drosophila melanogaster Midgut - Poster by Ever A. Henriquez, Kailey H. Kim, Sophia Perez, Christopher Weigel, Alexa Sawa PhD

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@Asawa Great Job! Looks awesome! Are these MESA students?! We have started a MESA program at CCC and I would love to see how to get MESA students involved in C-MOOR! Welcome to MESA at Clovis Community College - Clovis Community College

@RosaAlcazar Yes! These are MESA and what we call ASEM students. (ASEM students don’t meet all the criteria to be in MESA). They worked for three weeks in January when we are between terms. They were paid for their time using an NSF CREST II grant awarded to Cal State San Bernardino. This was the last year of that grant, but it was a great mechanism for getting STEM students who are very busy during the semester to get a research experience.